Rather than offering their own life insurance policies, Sproutt is an insurance broker, which means that they help consumers search for policies that work best for their scenarios. Sproutt isn’t just any insurance broker, however. They’re specifically designed to reward healthy lifestyle habits.
Sproutt has a Quality of Life Index tool, which assesses an individual’s Movement, Sleep, Emotional Health, Nutrition, and Balance, to give them an overall score. Making healthier choices (for example, keeping a regular sleep schedule) will increase your score. In turn, having a higher score helps you save on life insurance! If you need help making healthier choices, the Quality of Life Index tool can also give you suggestions to improve your score and your quality of life. Those interested can take the Quality of Life questionnaire for free on Sproutt’s website and see where their choices place them on the Quality of Life scale.
While Sproutt can be a great choice for younger, healthy adults, not everyone will qualify for coverage. Older adults, those with pre-existing medical conditions or too many unhealthy habits, and those who engage in multiple high-risk behaviors may be declined.
Those who decide to work with Sproutt can apply for life insurance (either term or permanent), no-exam life insurance, or guaranteed life insurance. No-exam life insurance doesn’t require any medical examination, so coverage is often instantaneous. Guaranteed life insurance is insurance that you are guaranteed to qualify for when you apply (keep in mind, however, that only certain individuals will be allowed to apply, usually those in an age range that would most likely cause them to be denied by other policies).
If you like to keep track of your health and are looking for life insurance, then Sproutt may be the insurance broker for you!