RATEZIP.COM is a comparison shopping website.
We help consumers by collecting all of what we consider to be the best deals on mortgage and other products and enable consumers to comparison shop in one place. Most of these deals are offered by companies who will pay us a referral fee when someone purchases their products or calls their phone number. This is how we earn money. We don't care which advertiser or partner you chose, but benefit if you chose one of the partners listed on our site.
Reviews found on our Comparison Page are editorial reviews. These reviews and ratings are not generated by customers, but are written by RateZip employees after the company is thoroughly researched. Some of the companies reviewed are advertiser or partners.
The prominence and order of the advertisers and partners listed on the site may be affected by the amount of money that the advertiser pays us. Thus certain advertisements may gain prominence because that advertiser is paying to promote his product.
All of the lenders that advertise on have been vetted by our editorial staff and we believe are trustworthy and reputable companies to do business with. There are thousands of home lenders that we could list, and we are able to chose what we think are the best.
If you have any concerns, think there is a fantastic lender that we should feature, or wish to give feedback on the partners we have chosen, please contact us! We'd love to hear from you.